UMA VACAFLORES is born in 1970 in Bolivia, in the town of Camargo, but until 1998 he lived mostly in the city of Tarija, then he starts traveling through Bolivia and in 2008 he enlarges his world beginning a travel by South America, aiming at last to cover the entire world.
A self educated artist, from a family line of painters and sculptors, began his artistic carrier in 1987 receiving, in High School, instruction in painting techniques; later in 1989 he meets the artist Reinaldo Zubelza who teaches and encourages him to make a carrier of arts.
During 1989 – 1993 he was involved in a cultural movement of young artists of painters, drawers and writers (SOL A CUADROS), with whom growth artistically and presented many art shows.
During 1994 – 1998 he was involved in a revolutionary cultural movement with a large group of musicians, painters, poets, actors, etc. (SKYLAB) with whom changed the way of doing and appreciating the culture on their home city Tarija. Since then he is showing his work all over his country, Bolivia.
He’s a product of all the things, places and people he has met in his life. On his work you can find the teachings of many of his artistic friends and the world al large.
El artista mismo es quien saca algo de sí, Uma no, sino que él es un artista, como un ciego que camina y capta todas las cosas que producen la anfetamina; él absorbe la anfetamina para lograr el objetivo y luego produce a su estilo.
I’m the colors and the surrealistic of life,
mostly I don’t know what I’m doing until I finish it;
I seek out for impossible things in life and art.